The company
Label System was founded in Civitanova Marche in 1982 as a company focused on the production of printed paper and pvc labels, woven labels, customised ribbons, coats of arms, screen-printing.
A leading company in italy for over 35 years, specialized in innovative techniques, nowadays the most requested by the market as high frequency, leather embossing, soft pvc/silicone labels and digital printing.
It's professionalism in the world of accessories, the constant renewal and the attention to details has allowed the company to work with the most important medium-high-end brands in the footwear, leather goods and clothing industry.
A team of in-house fashion and graphic designers who propose a collection of samples, then adapted the customer needs and requests who can benefit of the necessary support to obtain the desired product.
Rapid production time are granted to carry out works on customer's materials as leather, synthetic, textile.

Label System S.p.A.
Via A.Corona, 13
62012 Civitanova Marche (MC)
Tel: +39 0733 897784
Fax: +39 0733 896347
Michela Andreani
Export dept.
Veronica Sopranzi
Style office
Lucia Zamponi
Sales office
Sara Rossi
Chiara Natali
Paola Pesarini
Graphic office
Leonardo Ricci
Obblighi informativi per le erogazioni pubbliche: gli aiuti di Stato e gli aiuti de minimis ricevuti dalla nostra impresa sono contenuti nel Registro nazionale degli aiuti di Stato di cui all’art. 52 della L. 234/2012 e consultabili al seguente link , inserendo come chiave di ricerca nel campo CODICE FISCALE 00 710 860 438. https://www.rna.gov.it/RegistroNazionaleTrasparenza/faces/pages/TrasparenzaAiuto.jspx